Tuesday 23 August 2011

Yusuf's Guide To Living - Episode 4 - Something Different

Trying something new in this one so please don't become alarmed and definitely don't start rioting.

Research is an interesting business. It goes on all around us, sometimes aiding the spread of humankind, other times spreading the aid of humankind. Most research occurs at universities funded by large corporations trying to keep ahead of the competition and the majority is incomprehensible to the majority. Further, a lot of research is carried out simply for the sake of carrying out research – which while a noble cause, doesn’t always yield the most useful results!
But now and again, an appreciable piece is published which is appreciated by everybody. For example, it was recently claimed by a highly qualified mathematician friend from a reputable university that after putting extensive effort into the matter, he had finally proved that I am, in fact, the source of The Lynx Effect.

The actual Lynx Effect doesn't really have many PG-13 pictures so here's a picture of a lynx instead

It’s these less useful endeavours which spark the imagination. They are clearly much more interesting to the average above-average person.Interestingly, such research often leads some cynical souls to question the actual truth of the research! For me, a particular body of work comes to mind.

This'll make more sense in a few seconds
Research conducted in the Muggle Studies department of a disreputable university has discovered a rather curious fact known as “Moments of Three”.

In every man's life a single thing mildly surprises him on three occasions. In every man's life a single thing mildly surprises him on three occasions. It varies from person to person and surprisingly the average person doesn't know that they’ve been surprised or even register this most amazing fact. On the first occasion, his mind goes mildly blank and confusion reigns mildly supreme. However, the surprise is only mild and after a short time delay he rapidly recovers. Sometimes the time delay isn't even noticeable. Sometimes the time delay isn't even noticeable. 
Years or seconds later, when memory is but a distant memory and is also lost in the distance, it happens again and on this occasion his prior experience might nobly steer him away from the barren desert of confusion and into the lush oasis of anger. However, on the third occasion he's so accustomed to the surprise that he doesn't care. It takes a lot to stir him. It takes a lot to stir him.

There might have been a corporate sponsor
Those of you familiar with quality television and cinema will be aware of a fairly old show called The A Team. This show focuses on a band of soldiers of fortune who iron out all kinds of military and political creases (if you can find them). In the show, there is a male character, the leader of the A Team, who possesses a very specific catchphrase. Something along the lines of enjoying it when events work out.

Somehow this makes them seem even cooler
Interestingly and unbeknown to the creators of the show, they plagiarised the phrase from yours truly. Some might even say they stole it. How can I say this, you might ask, given that the show started before I was born? That is a good question and I'm glad you asked. It is because I enjoy it when events work out. It's a result of a moment of three.

When I first saw the show as a precocious child I was mildly surprised and immediately knew what had happened. Over time, this event was lost to the mists of time but while watching the film in the cinema earlier this year, I was mildly surprised again! However, you'll be pleased to know that I was able to control my anger and did not throw my popcorn at anybody. The third occasion hasn't happened yet so I suppose its not yet an actual moment of three but you get the idea.

At this stage, I have to wonder if you were paying enough attention to have realised you experienced your own moment of three in this article (the repeated sentences in the middle passage). Let me know if you did notice. If you didn't, rest assured that I love it when a plan comes together.

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